I took 2 days off from work but not for a fun. Came down with a stomach virus that keep me in bed. One of the hardest things in the world to me is looking after a happy energetic toddler when you are miserable and just want to sleep. That's how I felt but when you have your child diving on you asking for water every 2 minutes and is touching things he shouldn't etc. Its hard to get rest. I am sure my parents out there know what I am talking about. That's another part of being a parent! Getting better slowly should be all good by tomorrow.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Getting Dark Early
I love the weather around this time but wish it stayed light longer. For like the first two weeks or so when day light savings time hit it will be like 6:30 but I'm all sleepy like its 11:30 or something. You can only enjoy the sun on weekends around this time to because by the time I get of its practically dark. Well just venting a little I love the sun well in a few months it will be back!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Picture Time
I took my son to take pictures today and talk about photogenic! His first two pics were awesome and all the others would have been!!! He started crying, didn't want to sit still and just decided he was not taking anymore pics! Maybe I will take him back in a few days to take two more pics then we will be getting somewhere! The two we got were awesome so still satisfied with those! That was a good time even tho most of the time we were in the shop we were trying to get him to smile but It was not happening! Hey better luck next time (maybe)!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Best School For My Lil Man
My son is turning 3 on December 30. This is the time to really buckle down and find what schools to put him in. We are going to put him in private school definitely and just need to find the one we feel will work for all of us. I may be a little different from some but I love watching my son grow and learn. Watching him mature, the gestures he pick up from me and his mom just excites me. Now Mom on the other hand " My baby is growing too fast"! I am ready to help him get ready for Prom! Just kidding that is way to fast for me! One day at a time will do!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dropping Them Pounds
I am working out hard again! I have lost 10 pounds in about a month and a half. I feel great and my clothes are fitting better as well. I dint know why I stop working out. I enjoy it so its not a problem doing it. Guess I just put it on the back burner when other things come up. I am determined to get the body of my dreams! I was so lose then stopped when my son was born. A new born will take it out of you sometimes. Hes almost three and still takes it out of you. That's the joy of being a parent. I am determine to make working out a part of my lifestyle and not stop this time!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
More Or Less
I feel on a gold mine when I found out about discount stores like Marshall's and Ross! I just never went in stores like that never realized whats in them. When I was wanting to buy something I just went to the mall and the dept. store that connected to pay 60.00 for a shirt. I walked into Marshall's and saw the same brand for like 15.99!!!! Talk about like a kid in a candy store! When I am looking to spend money I always stop at a discount store to see if I can find what I am looking for before paying those higher prices. I am not cheap just a "Baller on a Budget" LOL!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Playing Basketball Again

I have been making it a point to play basketball at least once a week. I use to play all the time. I played Sunday for about 2 hours and after the first 30 min I was ready to pass out LOL! I work out. I jog or lift weights 4 to 5 times a week but for some reason all that stopping and going etc broke me down! Did preety good on the court. So I will definitly keep at it again for the fun and obviously for more exercise!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Dependable People
Its hard to find dependable people now of days seem like. That's why I will work harder to get it done by myself before asking someone because 1 of 3 things seems like almost always happen. 1) They say they will help and never follow through. 2) They make a big deal about to you or someone else no matter how small. 3) They do a little of both. To not get upset I just do it myself because guess who they run to when they need help moving or something Lil Ole Me. My motto you are your most dependable person you know. Get er done!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Moving to New Home

In previous blog I mentioned how it seemed as the area I live in became danger zone over night! Well my family and I will be moving Nov. 8 to a great area bigger space. I am very excited but at at the same time I am not. Moving to a new home really stinks! The packing, wrapping and the hauling is the worst! I worked for a moving company a few years back and I don't like doing it anymore. Well it is for a good cause safer for my family and I so Let The Moving Begin! Taking reservations for anyone who wants to help lol!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Who needs a Blankie
My son loves wearing his jacket and hat. He will get so upset if you try to take it off. This is cute to me by him only being 2 and being attached to clothes is wild. We let him keep it on as long as we are in the house when its not hot out. In Tennessee in the Fall it is cold in the morning and evening but warm during the day. So when he goes out in the after noon the battle of the jacket and hat begins! Hey better a little fit than a heat stroke lol!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Time For Fall
This is my favorite season of the year! The weather is beautiful just perfect to me. I enjoy the weather when you can where short sleeves or put on your favorite light jacket or sweater if you decided. I will make sure I get outside more often while I can before the cold comes. I only like winter because you can accessorize a little more but you can give me the Fall season year around!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I am loving the NFL this season. All the teams that dominated for the last few years are fighting for there playoff spot this season. I love a good hard football game where you cant tell the out come. I get very bored with games where one team is just blowing out the other in the first quarter. I have to say it every time I talk about football GO COWBOYS!!! They are doing great this season! It seems they will definitely be a contender this season!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Time To Get Out
It has been crazy the area I live lately. A lot of crime and killings. This is right outside of Nashville Tn. Nashville is a great place to live but it seems like my area is become a hot spot for crime. Every place has its problems but when it is so close to home its time to get out! I have to get my family out of what feels like a danger zone. My fiance and I love the area but safety is more important when it comes to raising a child. So we found a great place about 15 min from where we are and it is a awesome new place cant wait to go!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Co-workers You Love ( Not Really)
This is one of those days where your coworkers are driving you nuts. They are gossiping about everything, causing problems for others when they just did the same thing the day before and just moody. I am sure just about everyone can relate that in the work place you have those hand full of people that hit your nerves, even if it is towards you or not. From my experience there is more drama in the work place than any other place I know of at on time. Can we all just get along (LOL)!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Its Football Time
I am so glade football season is back! I'm hoping my Dallas Cowboy's have a good run this season. I also started a fantasy football team for the first time ever. I am having a ball with it too. I never looked into it before until I was invited to join the league I am in. For any football lover I would definitely look into a Fantasy Football League. It's fun, competitive and keeps you locked in to whats going on in the league! I think I may have found a hobby that I will add to the list.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Day Care Scare
Well this is the second day my son has been at his new day care. Talk about nervous until I pick him up! I feel great about the lady who is watching my son. No bad feelings and watched the way she handles her own kids and feel great about the decision his motherand I made. He helps with the decision too. My son is a very out going 2 yr old. When he is not comfortable around someone we cant help but notice how uncomfortable he gets. So that helped us make our final decision of the two choices we were considering. No complaints so far and he loves going but I think I'll be a little nervous for for a few more weeks. Change for my little one takes me a little longer than normal to get comfortable. Guess like most parents you want the best for our little ones.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Always on my Mind
I have a two year old son and Love him with all my heart. 24/7 I can't help but think of what I can do to give him the best life as possible. Give him the right tools to grow into a good man who will do some great things. I'm starting with his education. I want him start school with knowing as much as possible. Also making school fun and interesting, which I feel is very important with our children's drop out rate getting worse and worse. You can visit my other blog http://www.isitworththehype.blogspot.com/ for some facts on the drop out rate ( in the U.S.).
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Inspiration for Life
"Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must move faster than the lion or it will not survive. Every morning a lion wakes up and it knows it must move faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up, you better be moving." - Maurice Greene
One of my favorite quotes, ever.
One of my favorite quotes, ever.
I read this quote and it was awesome. One of those things you kinda know but until you read it in a inspirational way it just hits you. The Quote is ''Don't wait until you can make the right decision, but make a decision and make it right''. Sometimes waiting can make the right decision wrong. I know I am guilty of that sometimes. After I read it, I realize we do that on a daily basis anyways but the bigger decisions we hesitate and can make the right decision for the time wrong by waiting. As a parent your faced with decisions daily. Can my child hurt his self doing this or will he be safe going there. Make a decision make it right!
Nervous Father
Well had some problems with my son's babysitter yesterday. She is a great person but we had different views on some things. So his mother and I have to get him somewhere else now. Not the best feeling in the world. We felt safe with him there but what he was going through was not good for him so now we have to find a safe place with a good environment for him. Now here are the pro and cons. A babysitter from home is good not a lot of traffic in and out. It can be more personal care because less kids. The bads are if babysitter gets sick we don't have a sitter. If someones in sitters family gets very sick no sitter for how ever long the sickness last. If sitter takes a vacation no sitter. At a day care more money will learn more have more kids to interact with (my son is only child so he loves being around other kids). So which one will he be safe and which one will he better take to. I am going to have to sleep on this one.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My son will teach you patience. Today he had one of those days where he did not want to listen. We are in the store and people will think the only words my son knows is NO, Don't Touch and Come Back Here! This is one of them days where you want to get away you get so frustrated and need a break to regroup. If you do get the chance to leave for a few. The angel you call you child makes it all better when he runs up to me and says daddy daddy! He is so excited to see me again and gives me a big huge when I come through the door. I know he is only 2 1/2 and is testing the waters and exploring but always shows me love and make me smile every day. I love you son and thanks for helping my patience level. You really push me to the gray hair point sometimes LOL!
Watch out!
To day is interesting for me. One of those days that starts out good then takes a little twist. Started with me visiting my fiances co-workers church. That was pretty good since my fiances co-worker was a very kind and genuine lady. Her husband was as well. You don't to often meet people like that now of days. Then we left and that is when we had the turn. Please watch out read the contract now your stuff when you buy a car from these car salesman. We had to help a friend try to get out of this situation where they were trying to change the contract to something she did not agree too. Of course they did not want to take it and was trying to get her to keep the car. Its not totally settled. This was definitely a lesson learned for her and me to know your rights about contracts and buying a car etc. ''Car sales men will tell you anything almost to get you in a car''. That was from the mouth of a car salesman who quit because they were teaching him how to lie! My thing is buy a car cash if you can.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Show Me The Money
Waiting on this job interview today. It will be great for me and my family. We can move to a better place not feel so strapped when we do the things we enjoy. I have that feeling of excitement and nervousness but I did hear they are hiring 5 out of about 25 which gives me a good chance. When they have 400 people that could have applied for the position. Hopefully my cool and down to earth personality and job experience gets me the job and the green!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Only every four years
I love me some Olympics. Watching all the records being broken and people just putting there all in whatever event they prepare for. My favorite is track and Field then comes gymnastics. Just want to say good job to all the athletes for showing great performances so far. My hats off to our USA Olympians for representing us so well. I am a sport person and instead of a couple different events going per season. We have sport after sport competing. I just love everything about the Olympics!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Another Great Day
It feels great outside. A great day to go swimming, bike riding or to the park! Maybe another day for me this is my late night at work. In at 11:30 out at 8:00. So by the time I finish what I have to do then go to work, it will be dark by the time I get off. Today I'm felling like going in with some jogging pants and a t-shirt. That's the day the will call you in for a meeting with the big bosses or something! With all that it's still a great day. Even if the day is not scheduled the way you want you can still find good in everyday. So I'm about to get my son ready for day care, throw on my jogging pants and get this day started.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Its Saturday
Well its the weekend and there is nothing going on for me or my family today. Its like the weekend is a unpaid work day sometimes. Today we did a little cleaning, washing some clothes and chase our son around. He never sits still and will run circles around you all day long. Well if your weekend starts out like mine with a little work mixed in, I guess its better than going to a place you don't want to go most of the time (work) and you can still relax in between. I am definitely watching my Olympics today. I love me some track and Field!!
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